Open-source flash MP3 player

When I  testing the open-source components of Yahoo, made a small flash MP3 player and shared the source code.He/Her wrote it in German,I translated it into English.

It has two parameters,the first one is the path and name of MP3-Files (relative to the HTML file, or as an absolute URL).the other one is the flag whether the song is to be started immediately, or need to click the Play button.

  1. audio=myaudio. mp3 Audio = myaudio. MP3
  2. autoplay=false Auto = False

The default value for autoplay is true.

When you embed SWF file the player automatically adjusts the width.a correct presentation of 200 pixels,the amount of the MP3 player is always 50 pixels.The Flash Player 9 is required.

The below is a sample for using the Flash plug Kimili Embed.

  1. [kml_flashembed movie=/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/flashaudioplayer/flashaudioplayer.swf?audio=/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/flashaudioplayer/rock-guitar.mp3&autoplay=false width=300 height=50 scale=noscale salign=tl /]

Download it from: Flash Audio (MP3) Player (ZIP archive, player, example and source files) .