A list of Popular Social Bookmarking Sites

How to increase your website traffic? Use Social Bookmarking Sites to boost your FREE traffic now!
I have been asked frequently by a lot friends: how to increase the traffic. In fact, if you want to get more free traffic, there are many ways.

  1. High quality, useful articles, you will rank high on search engine, then you get a lot free traffic.
  2. Use Social Bookmarking Sites. There are so many Social Bookmarking Sites, if your content is really good, you will get flood free traffics from these site, really!
  3. PPC. Paid for you traffic. Just as you know, there are a lot advertisment companies, you may try the paid per click ads. And these are target traffic.
  4. Free useful wares e book etc. upload to the related websites.
  5. Video websites. Watermark on your video.

Where can you get FLOOD free traffic? Yes, the Social Bookmarking Sites.Here we have collected some popular Social Bookmarking Sites where you can get a lot traffic from these sites?

  1. Digg.com
  2. StumbleUpon.com
  3. Del.icio.us
  4. Technorati.com
  5. MyBlogLog.com
  6. SlashDot.org
  7. Reddit.com
  8. Mister-Wong.de
  9. Propeller.com
  10. Fark.com
  11. Sphinn.com
  12. IndianPad.com
  13. Furl.net
  14. NewsVine.com
  15. BlinkList.com
  16. DZone.com
  17. ClipMarks.com
  18. Faves.com
  19. VideoSift.com
  20. Ma.gnolia.com

More place you can get traffic: SNS websites just like: facebook.com,myspace,twitter etc.