I’d like to share some good church wordpress themes with you, as you know, these days more and more church are using wordpress, which is a popular CMS to build their websites.Because the wordpress is so easy to use.
These days a growing number of churches today are recognizing the importance of their web presence.But there are few church templates for these kind of websites.Churches and non-profit ministries have specific needs from a website, and use wordpress as CMS is a good choice.
This powerful content management system allows churches to keep their website up-to-date with features like event calendars, blogs, sermon archives, photo galleries, and more. All of these functions can be handled by you, or someone from your church, without the need for technical knowledge or access to any particular software. Everything is managed right from your internet browser.Try wordpress!
There are some premium church WordPress themes and free wordpress church themes currently available, with a few that are specifically focusing on churches or other religious organizations that want a church theme for their WordPress websites.
Free Church WordPress Themes:
Church theme:LivingOS UPSILON
Demo /download
This theme was designed specifically for churches. A very clean theme with a rotating picture header. Changing the pictures takes a little bit of code work, but it’s pretty easy to figure out.
A simple Clean free church wordpress theme
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This is really a clean simple church wordpress template. 2 columns, white theme.The stucture and code are very simple, you can customize it easily.If you will only have a few pages, this is a very clean look that makes it clear where information is located on your site. -
Free Magazine Church wordpress theme:Original Premium News Theme
This magazine style wordpress theme is good for church websites, you can customise it to a unique tempalte, in fact, this is a premium theme ,but now it’s FREE! You can post news,gallery,video etc.Easy to use.It looks really great. -
Best Free Church WordPress Theme:Meta-Morphosis
Demo /Download
This theme is a visually-rich personal blog,which is good for church website template, with a magazine layout approach. Big feature pictures can let visitors know the most important news. Incorporating some nifty javascript font replacement and javascript widget slider in the footer, Meta-Morphosis should meet all of your personal blogging needs. Best of all its FREE! -
Free church wordpress magazine theme:SimpleScheme Mag
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Another magazine style church wordpress theme.Run by a guy who worked as an associate pastor and realized churches need a simple way to present their web content and began designing WordPress themes.Yes, a church website should be clean simple professional,and functional. that’s it. -
Church wordpress theme :Milano Theme download
This is a popular web design these days, I have to say, some of premium wp theme are no better than this wordpress theme.On the front page, there is a modern sildshow, which show the most important content.It has some really sweet features that could make it a great site for churches to use.
Premium Church WordPress Themes
Free wordpress tempalte you can use, but still I sugguest you use the premium wordpress themes, why?
WordPress church theme :grace Recommend
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This Grace theme,the grunge look and earthy colors of the theme gives it spiritual look. Available in three color schemes, this is a must to have theme for any church who needs a quick, easy online presence using wordpress.
Did you know that the U.S. donates almost $1.4 trillion dollars to charity every year? Or that the charity that has the highest revenue is Lutheran Services in America at $16.6 billion? I didn’t either.Here is the Lutheran Services in America official website, just the same as this church theme. -
Studiopress Church WordPress Theme
Demo/ Download
This is a pretty advanced theme that was free for a very short period of time. During that time I downloaded it and played around with it. I have to say, it isn’t for the novice but can make for a really good looking site if you know what you are doing. Here are some sample websites that use studiopress church theme -
Headway WordPress Theme
Demo /Download
Notice:This is theme framework, you can customize it what you want your site like. Everywhere I turn these days, people are using this theme. Supposedly it is really flexible and customizable, yet has a really clean look to it.I have used it in some projects, and it’s great! - Simple Church theme
Demo /Download
Yes, this is the first church-themed WordPress template on Theme Forest!And more than190 people have purchased this theme from 30 April 09.
Yes, there are few church wordpress themes, we will update this post in the future, help you find the more professional church themes.so far the site has worked great, with functionality and style.“News & Events” and “Pastor’s Blog” on the home page,“I’m New” banner to focus on visitors, Clean Subpage listings in the sidebar,Tool tips! Just add a “tooltip” class to links to make your own,Social bookmarks for sharing posts and articles,Twitter bookmark automatically generates a TinyURL,Promote the church’s RSS , Twitter, and Facebook profile
Keywords:church themes,church wordpress themes,free church themes,church wordpress themes free,church wordpress templates,free church wordpress themes,church websites,church tempaltes
Thats a great list of themes you have there. Both Premium and Free. Its really great to see these types of listings.