In order to save your visitors’ time and help them leave comments in wordpress fast, you can give your wordpress website this “Crtl+Enter” function.
After your visitor finished their comments, just enter “Crtl+Enter”, they can leave the comment, no need to use the mouse to click the bottom anymore. This function make your site reader friendly.
In the wordpress theme files, find the codes below in the comment.php
<textarea id="comment" cols="100%" rows="10" name="comment"></textarea>
and then, change it to this code:
<textarea id="comment" onkeydown="if(event.ctrlKey&&event.keyCode==13){document.getElementById('submit').click();return false};" name="comment"></textarea>
Yes, this can make your readers leave a reply more fast through the use of “Crtl+Enter”.
you can have a try?support main browsers.