Here with these steps you can get free three month Avira Premium Security Suite and free Avira Antivirus Premium edition for 3 month promtion. Avira Antivir 3 months promotion (new Turkish campaign)
Avira AntiVir Premium Advanced protection Along AntiVir Personal it includes: Enhanced Anti-Spyware, AntiAdware, AntiPhising, MailGuard (POP3 and SMTP), WebGuard for safe surfing, RescueCD and more
Avira Premium Security Suite Full protection Along AntiVir Personal and AntiVir Premium, it includes: AntiSpam, Firewall, GameMode, backup, AntiBot, AntiDriveBy, ParentalControl and more.
Other Avira campaign (Kadir Has University).
Web site language is Turkish but i explained.
I’m trying to get a license for Avira Antivir Premium, not the Security Suite, but I haven’t been able to get one. Would it be possible for you to get one for me and send it to my email. I would really appreciate it.