Are you looking for php link Directory script? Yes there are many Directory cms script,why not try wordpress? Use wordpress as php website link script.Create a directory for your site SEO Friendly and easy to install.
There are many Directory Scripts on the marketplace,yes, you can choose one,but I recommend you try wordpress,why not?And here are some good Directory wordpress themes for your Directory websites.
Best Directory WordPress Themes
- Professional wordpress Directory theme:DirectoryPress
DirectoryPress is a fully featured directory theme for WordPress that turns your standard wordpress blog into a powerful online link directory with advertising, payment options and more built in!You can build your own professional seo optimized website link directory quickly and easily!
Professionally designed and developed, DirectoryPress is easy to use and comes with lots of changeable templates and directory features.
Directory Script + WordPress = DirectoryPress, 10x more features,10x more powerful!DirectoryPress wordpress theme takes the power, security and flexibility of WordPress and allows you to run your very own link directory website!
Running your own directory website is easy with DirectoryPress, you simply download the theme, install it your WordPress themes folder and your ready to go! With every copy of our VIP DirectoryPress download are loads of easy to customize, changeable templates, professional directory script features and lots of help and support to get you started!
DirectoryPress theme comes a selection of changeable designs allowing you to quickly and easily setup a unique, professional link directory website in minutes!If you love this directory wordpress template, you can but this wp theme and use directorypress coupon code to get $10 off. We will update more directorypress discount coupon in the future.
This script allows users to post both free and paid directory submissions. There is also a special feature built into the pages which allows your customers to keep up to date with the most popular links. The DOMZ and CSV import tools allow you to easily import items and links into your directory from other websites. This allows you as an affiliate to make money from the sales of these items through your website. Another new feature is the articles section which allows you to show content on your webpage creating a professional article directory, which will in turn increase your page ranking among the search engines, thus generating more traffic to your site. - Directory themes for wordpress:Templatic Directory Wordpres Theme Classifieds
The Classifieds wordpress theme is also a good theme for link Directory website.Classifieds is a premium WordPress theme from Templatic that allows you to create your own classifieds website with WordPress. The theme features options for free or paid classifieds listings, image uploader for ads, 3 different homepage structures and 4 colour schemes options to choose from.Buy templatic theme? why not use templatic coupons to save money?
We will update more new Directory Wordpres Themes in the future.
Keywords: directory software,link directory script,web directory script,open source directory script, best free directory script,directory wordpress themes,wordpress themes for directory,wordpress directory themes.