Best Link Directory Script: WordPress With DirectoryPress WordPress Theme

You can build a professional Link Directory websites use wordpress and DirectoryPress wordpress theme.Directory Script + WordPress = DirectoryPress, more features, more powerful!
link directory wordpress template
If you are looking for a functional script for your link directory websites, why not try wordpress? Use wordpress as cms! And use the DirectoryPress WordPress Theme to set up a professional directory website quickly and easily!
link directory wordpress theme
Demo / Download
I have seen a lot people build link directory websites use Joomla etc, why not choose the most popular wordpress instead? Some of them even spent $800 to buy a link directory script! Good news is here is a powerful wordpress theme for you, the DirectoryPress theme.

DirectoryPress is a fully featured directory theme for WordPress that turns your standard wordpress blog into a powerful online link directory with advertising, payment options and more built in! DirectoryPress takes the power, security and flexibility of WordPress and allows you to run your very own link directory website!And there are many example websites that use this great theme, you can check it out at the official website showcase category.

DirectoryPress theme comes a selection of changeable designs allowing you to quickly and easily setup a unique, professional link directory website in minutes!

Professionally designed and developed, DirectoryPress wordpress themeĀ  is easy to use and comes with lots of changeable templates and directory features.Running your own directory website is easy with DirectoryPress template , you simply download the theme, install it your WordPress themes folder and your ready to go! With every copy of our VIP DirectoryPress download are loads of easy to customize, changeable templates, professional directory script features and lots of help and support to get you started!

DirectoryPress has built in link submission options allowing you to charge your website visitors money for listing their website within your online directory. It’s a great way to make money! New niche!

You can select your own pricing options such as;

  • All Free – A listings are submitted free to your directory.
  • All Paid – You can setup payment packages for your visitors to submit their listings.
  • Free and Paid Listings – A combination of free and paid directory submission.

There are many different template for you to choose!

And you can use DirectoryPress coupon code to save money.Just use discountDirectory as discount coupon code to get $10 off. Click Here to Get this cool directory wordpress theme now!

Also the templatic classified wordpress theme is a great wp template for link directory websites. Turn your wordpress install into a full functional money making classified website that lets your user post free and paid ad posts on your site.

* Link directory webistes make money? The answer is absolutely TRUE! You can make money through the advertisements,paid links etc. Because every one do want to rank high on search engines, then they want more outside links, one of the best way of link building is paid links, get paid links on the link directory.

How to make your link directory website make money and make more money?
It’s easy. Do advertisement. Use Google Adwords etc to let others know your website. That’s it. you can find a lot link directory websites are use adwords on Google to advertise their websites!