Studio Press Genesis Theme Review

Why Choose Studio Press Genesis Theme? Reasons to Build Your Site With Genesis

Do you love wordpress theme framework? There are 3 popular theme framework at present:thesis theme,headway theme,and the new genesis theme. As studiopress approach the anticipated public release of the Genesis Theme Framework, here are 5 reasons you should build your site using it. There are many more, of course, but in my opinion these are the biggest (and most significant) ones.Maybe you are a user of diytheme or headway theme, but I suggest you have a lot of the new studiopress genesis theme!

Layout Options

Studiopress took it upon ourselves to assume that a user who’s working with the Genesis theme framework would want some flexibility. That’s one of the reasons why it will offer 5 6 default layout options. (An additional Full Width Content option was added after the post was written.) In addition to having 6 universal (or site-wide) layout options, They have also given users the opportunity to select any of them on an individual post/page basis, all without having to create a separate theme template. In other words, if your entire site is using the content/sidebar layout, but you want a sales page to have a full width content layout – not a problem. Its as simple as clicking a button on the write post/page screen.

The Security of Genesis Theme

They are very happy to announce that Mark Jaquith, lead developer of WordPress has been hired to run a security audit on the Genesis Theme Framework. They take our products (and your security) very seriously here at Studio Press, and want you to have full confidence that the Genesis Theme Framework is as secure as possible. What better way to ensure this, than to hire the best of the best – someone who knows WordPress code and security more intimately than anybody else. Mark can be hired at his consulting firm, Covered Theyb Services.

Genesis Theme Updates

One of the primary focuses that Nathan and I had while in the development process was to ensure ease of use – both with day to day operations, but also with theme updates. While the current Studio Press “classic” themes have required folks to load updated versions from scratch, and meant that customizations had to be redone – the Genesis Theme Framework should end that. They have spent an enormous amount of time and energy on the parent theme, and the emphasis They made on semantics and careful naming of CSS elements should mean that most (if not all) theme updates will not affect your customizations.

Genesis Theme’s Child Theme Marketplace

Not only does the Genesis Theme Framework have very solid code, which is secure and Theyll-written, it will also boast a child theme marketplace. While the marketplace will initially launch as invite-only, it will provide a variety of professional designs from designers across the internet. They are very excited about this concept and this will give our community a number of designs/layouts to choose from. The child theme marketplace will also give a Genesis user the ability to change their designs, without changing the code or platform on which they’re used to. In other words, if you enjoy all of the custom widgets and features that Genesis has, you can simply redesign your site by using another child theme. Here’s some additional information regarding the marketplace which will help explain our vision.

Easy to Post Thumbnails

Many of you are aware of the recent WordPress 2.9 release, which includes the feature to include/use post thumbnails. Currently, Studio Press “classic” themes are using an image-resizing script called TimThumb, but the Genesis Theme Framework will not be using that code and will be serving post thumbnails using the organic way WordPress includes them. While this might seem like a step back, They assure you it’s not. With the ability to create intermediate (or custom) sized thumbnails and upcoming WordPress builds that will include additional thumbnail size options on the media setting page and ultimately auto-sized thumbnailing, They feel this is the best direction to go in. While TimThumb is a great script, They are trying to keep Genesis lightTheyight and less dependent on 3rd party code.

All in all, the studiopress genesis theme framework I think is good for newbies, and the other two theme framework diytheme and headway theme are good for designers and advanced wordpress users.