There are tons of wordpress themes for you to choose from, but you should consider what kind of themes suit your site best. Here are some tips on choosing wordpress themes.
- When looking for a theme, look for solutions that will build traffic, expose content, and enhance stickiness.
- Typography is an elegant way to enhance a user experience in a theme.
- Use white space to create context or pull a reader’s eye to important information.
- Fixed-width themes are easier to build because fewer assumptions about the user’s browser need to be made. Fluid- (or flexible-) width layouts expand and contract with a browser window size, but can create unexpected results if not tested thoroughly.
- Hundreds of free themes are available online. Many of them are in the WordPress Themes Directory and can be installed directly from WordPress Admin.
- Premium themes cost money, but they are usually well polished, easy to configure, and can quickly provide a distinct appearance from more common themes.
I suggest you try paid wordpress themes, not only you can get professional designs, but also you can get support from the designers.
Here are some good premium wordpress theme companies:
- Studiopress themes (price:$24.95-$79.95)
- iThemes wordpress themes (price:$79.95)
- Woothemes wordpress themes: (price:$70, buy 1 get another 2 FREE)
- Press75 themes (price:$75)
- elegantthemes (price:$19.95 – just less than $20, you can get all themes on the site,more than 30 premium themes!)
- Pagelines (price:$75, professional CMS wordpress themes)