2011 WordPress Corporate Theme for Business Websites

You may have purchased studiopress corporate wordpress theme already, then you can update your theme for free, if not, you can get this professional business theme just for $24.95 now! New features have added in this new layout.

Studiopress Corporate Theme for Business Websites

corporate wordpress theme studiopress
The Corporate child theme for the Genesis Framework is a corporate-style theme that will provide a professional look for your business website.When you’ve got lots of content and you need a professional way to show it off, Corporate is the theme for you. Use it to showcase your company, services and what you can offer.

One of the changes to the style of the Corporate theme was the addition of Google Fonts. They added the use of Droid Sans to the navigation, headlines and various input boxes and submit buttons. I have seen a lot site use this theme for their business sites.

The new version of this corporate wordpress theme underwent a major code update which means there’s not an easy update path. If you’re happy with your site built on a previous version of the theme, there’s no need to update.The first part of the update was a complete rewrite of CSS which is based on the updated Genesis sample child theme. This will allow for more efficient coding and easier customization. In addition to that, we rewrote the home.php file so upon theme activation, the standard loop loads until the home widgets are placed into their appropriate areas.


Child theme:$24.95

Genesis + Child Theme:$79.95

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