WordPress: How to Fix the Problem with Image Captions after 3.7 Upgrade

If you have upgraded to the latest WordPress v3.7, you may meet the image caption problem in the visual editor, this  is a particularly nasty bug that affects working with image captions in the visual editor. It was caused by a regression in Uglify.js.

Problem with WordPress Image Caption
Problem with WordPress v3.7 Image Caption

New captioned image inserted into the Visual Editor produces a huge data-mce-style width (10000px+) moving the inserted image out of the editor viewable area.

The problem will be fixed in the next version V3.7.1, If you don’t want to wait for the auto-update, you can download the following  tinymce folder, unzip it and replace your old tinymce folder.

I have tested it and it worked.


Download the tinymce

don’t forget to refresh the browser cache.