Useful SEO Plugin: Add “nofollow” to All Your External Links

When you credit others materials links, you may want to add “nofollow” to the external links, you can do this manually, but if there are 100 links in one page, and you want to add the `rel=nofollow` and `target=_blank` to all your external links in older posts, how can you handle this?

Here is the solution!

WordPress SEO Plugin: “Nofollow for external link”

WordPress seo plugin

WordPress seo plugin

This cool plugin will automatically inserts `rel=nofollow` and `target=_blank` to all the external links into your website posts or pages.

Just simple, if you use this plugins, rel=nofollow and target=_blank will be insert automatically, for all the external links of your website posts or pages.


  • Add rel=nofollow for all the external link of your blog/website posts/pages.
  • Add target=_blank for all the external link of your blog/website posts/pages.
  • This plugins will not add rel=nofollow and target=_blank any of the internal link of your blog/website posts/pages.
  • If you already added rel=dofollow to any post manually, this plugins will not add rel=nofollow for that post.
  • If you already added target=_blank to any post manually, this plugins will not add target=_blank for that post.

Download it here.