WPRemix Discount Code 50% Off Coupon Code

Here is a 50% off discount code for wpremix 3.0  wordpress theme.If you have bought a WP Remix theme single use license, loved it and now want to upgrade to multiple use license, you can update to the WP Remix Mutiple Use License just for $125, also through the use of this 50% off WP Remix Discount Code, you can save half. But you have to know that this is a limited time offer, so be quick.

WordPress CMS theme :WPRemix 3.0 has been released with additional theme features and full WordPress 2.8 compatibility, you can use this cms tempalte to create your websites easily and quickly. If you are planing to purchase the Single Use License, you site should have the credit link in the footer must remain intact,but you can remove the link if you buy the Multiple Use license.In order to get a good rank on Google, I sugguest you use the wpremix Multiple Use license, and you can use the wpremix coupon code now and save you a lot.

Click here to view the discount code:

  1. WPRemix 50% off discount code EU7DRH28, REMIX50, MKD50 has expired!
  2. WPRemix 30% off discount code WR5RMJN5 has expired!
  3. WPRemix 25% off discount code 25QGC35W, QGC35W25 has expired!
  4. WPRemix 20% off discount code 203G414V2V has expired!
  5. WPRemix 15% off discount code ECRDSW15 has expired!

We will update new wpremix theme discount code as soon as there is valid coupon code available.
WPRemix Theme Single Use License: $75.00
WPRemix Theme Multiple Use License: $197.00
Download WP Remix theme now