New 3 Column Free WordPress Theme

New Professional Simple Clean Free WordPress Theme
3 column clean wordpress theme

Demo / Download

We are looking for professional free wordpress themes and here is a new one which is designed by the leading premium wordpress theme company: Wootheme. The name of this new free 3 column wordpress theme is Skeptical.
Skeptical’s layout is very flexible in the sense that you can display “related posts” next to your latest posts on the home page, OR have a completely widgetized sidebar. Not only that, you can also add your Flickr stream to the footer region and showcase three noteworthy blog posts tagged with a specific tag that you declare in the theme options.
Alternative Styles
The theme includes 4 alternative color styles which you can preview in the demo, but also has styling options for background color/image and setting link color.
Custom Widgets
The theme has 4 widgetized areas in the footer, and one optional widgetized sidebar, and as always comes with custom Woo Widgets (Ad Space, Blog Author, Embed, WooTabs, Search, Flickr, Twitter).
Custom Typography
Almost every text element can be changed in the options panel, and even has full support for Google Fonts in the font selector.
Alternative Sidebar
The standard sidebar pulls posts from the same category as the post. You can easily switch to use a widgetized sidebar in the options panel.
Custom Footer Area
The footer has an optional area for related posts and Flickr, and also 4 widgetized columns at the bottom.


  • 4 widgetized areas in the footer, and one optional widgetized sidebar, and as always comes with custom Woo Widgets (Ad Space, Blog Author, Embed, WooTabs, Search, Flickr, Twitter).
  • 4 alternative color styles
  • Custom Shortcodes NEW!
  • Custom Footer Area – The footer has an optional area for related posts and Flickr.
  • Custom Typography – Almost every text element can be changed in the options panel, and even has full support for Google Fonts in the font selector.
  • Woo Custom Navigation
  • Built-in SEO options
  • Alternative Sidebar – The standard sidebar pulls posts from the same category as the post. You can easily switch to use a widgetized sidebar in the options panel.
  • WooFramework 2

Here are more free wordpress themes for you to choose from, and all of these are wordpress 3.0 compatible.