How to Remove the Yoast SEO Plugin Breadcrumb Post Titles
Copy and paste the following php code into your WordPress theme’s function.php file.
Copy and paste the following php code into your WordPress theme’s function.php file.
There are 2 methods for going back to previous page using Anchor Tag <a>, below are 2 working methods and out of them 1st one is faster and have one great advantage in going back to previous page. 1. 2. Above method (2) only works ok if you have clicked on a link and opened link in a Current Tab in current browser window. … Read more
I just want to test my new WordPress theme on my computer today, so I installed the XAMPP Apache + MariaDB + PHP + Perl package, but I can’t run the apache via there are some errors, I checked the error log and fixed most of the warnings, notice, etc, still can’t get the things … Read more
// slider function my_custom_function( $html) { $html .= ‘ ‘; $html .= get_post_field(‘post_content’, $post_id); $html .= ‘ ‘; return $html; } $priority = 10; add_filter( ‘tps_the_content_after’, ‘my_custom_function’, $priority, 2 ); wp_register_script(‘clickmag’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/js/slider-handlers.js’, array(‘jquery’), ”, true);
Go dashboard -> Appearance -> Theme Editor -> Theme Functions Add the following php code // Let Contributor Role to Upload Media if( current_user_can( ‘contributor’ ) && ! current_user_can( ‘upload_files’ ) ) add_action( ‘admin_init’, ‘allow_contributor_uploads’ ); function allow_contributor_uploads() { $contributor = get_role( ‘contributor’ ); $contributor->add_cap( ‘upload_files’ ); } // Upload Images Only add_filter(‘upload_mimes’, ‘custom_upload_mimes’); function … Read more
If you open the register function, or you have a lot of other contributors, authors, they will see all the posts published or pending, what a mess! How to find their own posts to edit? I just want to limit the post owners only view and manage their own posts in WordPress dashboard. Here is … Read more
I got a notify from my WordPress dashboard today, it said “WordPress has detected that your site is running on an insecure version of PHP.” I tried to update the php using their tutorial link, but got the following error: Well. I have to update the system using the ssh. Login your root account using … Read more
I’m looking for new coupons to renew my .com domain today, but can’t find valid ones. Usually, I search “ promo code” on Google, maybe 2 years ago, the site “” ranks No.1 for a long time, the site always provides new valid coupons for and other sites, while “” and “” these sites rank … Read more
Copy the follow js code, and paste it in the browser address bar, press Enter, then you can change anything on the webpage without refresh! javascript:document.body.contentEditable=’true’; document.designMode=’on’; void 0 Or Drag the highlighted text into your bookmarks bar. And then click the icon whenever you want to edit any page!
Have you downloaded the latest new version of WordPress 5.0 yet? You can download the latest new version WordPress 5.0 here. And here you can download the WordPress 5.0 new theme Twenty Nineteen here. Test the new editor today. You can take Gutenberg for a spin (and share your feedback, if you’d like) before we officially … Read more
You can use Payoneer cad account to receive payment from now, just apply a CA account at the dashboard of the What is the “Routing Number / ABA Number” on the payment page? But there is no Routing Number / ABA Number on the Payoneer backend of you ca account. A routing number for electronic payments contains … Read more
Today, we transfer one of our major site from http to https. This will impact the Google ranking, I don’t know whether the rank will go down or up. Until today, the average of this site can get about 3000 Organic Search per day, we changed the url today, let’s see the results days later.
Yes, I bought a new Premium WordPress theme for one of our site, the site using an old shcool theme, I want to get a new out look for the site, the traffic increase fast in this year, so I want to make it more attractive, then I bought a new theme on ThemeForest. The … Read more
Yes, it’s free! I have free time recently, if you have any questions on WordPress, no matter about WordPress servers, WordPress themes, WordPress plugins or other questions about WordPress, you can ask me for help! Even if you’re a newbie, I can help you setup your WordPress site, install themes, plugins for FREE! Just leave … Read more
Usually, you may search “to download Instagram images” on the internet, then you will get a lot of websites that provide Instagram photos download services, but most of them are not user-friendly for us, most of these sites can only download one image one time. Today we found a cool Google chrome plugin, which is … Read more