2 Columns Blogger Template(left and right sidebar) Blue i3Theme

Beautiful Blue i3Theme 2 Columns Blogger Template.This dobeweb.com use wordpess, but you may want use this beautiful theme  for your blogspot, here it is.(2 Columns)
Blogger XML template: right side bar
Download this blogger theme

Blogger XML template: left side bar
Download blogger-i3theme-left-side-bar

Preview this bloggger i3theme XML template

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How much have earn today via your blogger?

When I sign in blogger today, I find there is a new Option ,that is blogger Monetize . You can get a quick overview of your Adsense earnings. If you have many blogs, you can have details of how much this blog have earned today, and how much that blog earned, though you can view … Read more

Adsense robots.txt Error to sites and Blogger

Today, I got an email from google adsense,which saying
” While reviewing your ad implementation, we noticed that your robots.txt file is currently preventing our AdSense crawler from reaching a significant number of pages with ads in your account.” I have searched for this problem, and found a lot people got this mail.Then , I check my sites’ robots.txt, and add the

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Add social bookmarking links to blogger,add your blog traffic

How to bring more traffic to your websites or blogs? Here is a sipmle way which is a great way not only increase your traffic but also increae your sites links.That is social bookmarking.If you use cms or wordpress, it’s easy to add the social bookmarking icons to them, but it is not that easy for blogger.com(blogspot),and today, I’ll teach you how to add social bookmarking links to blogger (blogspot).

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Blogger theme- itheme blogger xml templates(left side bar)

Blogger theme- itheme blogger xml templates(left side bar)
Yes, this is the beautiful Apple OS knock off template, just as you see my site’s theme, but this one is for blogger.This itheme template not only does it look and feel just like you’re using a Mac, but it’s quite functional as well. It includes the original really cool drag & drop sidebar feature which allows you to rearrange the order of your sidebar in a dynamic fun way (check out the demo and try it yourself). It also includes the FeedIt widget which shows real-time live traffic to your site.

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Blogger Templates- 8 nice blogger tempaltes

Blogger is a wonderful blog hosting service, the features provided to us at no cost are rare to be found in any other free blog host especially the free wordpress. Unless of course you have your own domain name then using wordpress software that is free as well is recommended, but blogger is good too.
Here are some nice blogspot themes for you. have fun.

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